Collaboration is key to Maximising Land Value without risk to the Landowner.
Custom Plots works in collaboration with an exceptional group of property professionals and consultants who will manage all aspects of a planning application.
Understanding the end users’ requirements ensures the correct planning strategy is selected, maximising the land value but also the impact on any existing dwelling. Joining together helps the process run seamlessly from start to finish limiting any risk and exposure.
These are the most common reasons for a refused application
Loss of light or overshadowing, Overlooking, Loss of privacy, Adequate parking, Highway safety or simply the wrong design
Examples include, if the proposed developments would impede or impact natural light, view or overshadow. Other common reasons will be loading and turning, or it will generate a significant amount of traffic or impact road user safety.
The neighbouring owners around your site will be notified when you submit a planning application, but that shouldn't be the first they hear of it. Objections will slow down the planning process because the planning department must consider them properly and that takes time.
This is a term used to describe the effect when a development or building affords an outlook over adjoining land or property which causes a loss of privacy
The 45-degree line on the elevation plan should be drawn diagonally down at an angle of 45 degrees from the near top corner of the building towards the nearest neighbouring window. If both lines cross the centre point of the nearest neighbouring window, then it is likely that overshadowing will occur.